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All You Need is 7 Days...

This partner prayer devotional is unlike any book for singles you've ever seen before! In the time it takes for the coffee to brew in the morning, you could take the steps to a more fulfilling life. You can be prepared for the ONE that God has prepared for you!In 7 Days the "single" will have been prayed away. If God can prepare a whole wide world in 7 Days, surely He can prepare you!   

Whether it's a few women or several THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! 

7 Days to Pray the Single Away is unlike ANY OTHER group book you've ever seen. Most books focus on Self- Help but 7 Days is a Help-Help Partner Prayer Devotional for single women. Women are paired with a partner and spend 7 days focusing on their Sister and her future relationship. 


Days 1-3 topics:

Preparation for marriage

Motives for marriage



Day 4 topic:

Total relationship. This is also a day the women fast for each other. The terms of the fast are up to the women but they must sacrifice on behalf of their Sister. The women cover the relationship from Courtship to Ceremony and Beyond. 


Day 5-7 topics:

*These days are spent focusing on the Sister's future husband*

Christ-like Love from the husband

He is able to be the Head of the Household in marriage

Coming against Temptation in the marriage


By the end of the 7 days not only have the women covered each other in prayer, but they have also covered 2 brothers in Christ in prayer and their sister's future relationship as well. The women will feel focused and EMPOWERED in their singleness. This is an EXCELLENT rapport builder in women's groups. 


Click this link to have access to the first chapter of the book and ordering information! 

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Check out my other Title
~Daughters of the Most High~ 
Why Smart Girls do Dumb Things and the God Who Loves Them. 

Author Nakilah Shannon

FB: Author Nakilah Shannon

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